Ad-Olam – Synagogue Without Walls
Is an Outreach and Inreach program to Jews and non-Jews alike who want to connect with and learn about Jewish spirit and traditions.
Rabbi Hanan Sills
The founder of Ad-Olam and the Joys of Jewishing, states that over these past 30+ years the mission of Ad-Olam is “nothing less than the mitzvah of reviving the home as the center of Jewish life, which it was for millennia.” Today we as a collective, as a part of our evolving vision, also see that the Ad-Olam Mission is to bring people home to the Jewish spirit within.
We do this by:
● Bringing Jewish traditions and observances into people’s homes, where the spirit of Judaism has always thrived.
● Increasing people’s understanding, appreciation and love of Jewish spirit, values and traditions by offering relevant, personal and joyous study of Jewish history and religion.
● Acting as a bridge from people’s current experience into a Jewishing practice and community through:
- Creating meaningful and accessible observances
- Empowering individuals and collective creative expressions and programs in art, music, dance/movement, meditation, and spiritual and physical healing
- Connecting people to synagogues and other Jewish community resources
Rabbi Hanan
Is also available by appointment (as his health allows) for mentoring, family counseling, and “Coming-Home to Jewish being and becoming” sessions. For all private appointments we ask that you be mindful and give a freewill offering to the Rabbi (based on a sliding scale) in appreciation for his time. He receives no income from Ad-Olam other than what he receives for High Holy Days.