Come Chant In At-one-ment...
Yom Kippur afternoon playshop
Satuday, October 8, 2011
Session 2 2:55 - 3:55
Sacred Chant is not about what our voices 'sound' like. It is about hearing with the 'inner' ear. If you are looking for a new way to enter into a deep relationship with sacred Jewish texts and prayers then chanting may be just for you! Sinking into the tones and kavanah of a chant can open us to a new awareness of our connection to God that is powerful, joy-filled and transformative. Reb Zalman speaks of niggunim and chant as forming "a Mikveh of sound to immerse oneself in."
Through the deep vibrations and repetitive sounds of ancient sacred words chant takes us on an inward journey through the gates of prayer and into a deep nurturing silence between the chants. We step into a conscious awareness that we are One, that our breath is One, that our voice is One, and that our connection to God is present in every moment. Come add your voice to building this mishkan of sacred chant.
Is Chanting Jewish?
According to Aleph, the Alliance for Jewish Renewal, many people "do not know that meditation, dance, chant, and mysticism have been present in Judaism throughout the ages and not, as some mistakenly believe, patched on to Judaism from other cultures or made up out of whole cloth. Sadly, some of our authentic, time-honored beliefs and practices have been lost to assimilation, leaving many contemporary Jews largely unaware of them. This is a major reason why so many spiritually sensitive Jews have sought spiritual expression in other faith traditions. It is an important part of ALEPH's mission to make the "hidden" treasures of Judaism known and accessible to these seekers."
"To be able to pray is to know how to stand still and dwell on a word. This is how some worshippers of that past would act: 'They would repeat the same word many times, because they loved and cherished it so much that they could not part from it.'"
R.Tzvi Elimelekh of Dynov, quoted by A.J. Heschel
Lisa Kaye has been leading Jewish Renewal chant circles for the past two years. She graduated from Rabbi Shefa Gold's two year Kol Zimra chant leader program in 2009. Kol Zimra is in its 8th year of training rabbis, cantors and lay leaders in Jewish Renewal chant.
For more info on chant visit
More details about other Yom Kippur Afternoon Playshops from will be posted later.
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1:45 - 2:45 ~ Session 1 (two choices)
Rob Tobias, Singing Alive
Valerie Keartes, Open Heart Meditation
2:55 - 3:55 ~ Session 2 (two choices)
Gary Reiss PhD & Annie Greenberg, Your Deepest Calling
Lisa Kaye, Kol Zimra Sacred Chant