I just finished updating the www.SpiritPathNow.com/Eugene online calendar and there are some GREAT Jewish classes, workshops, song circles going on in the next month or so. Get your calendars out, scroll down and see what catches your eye, and then mark down these amazing events.... See you there! Lisa Kaye
(Register by 1/25)
2/2 - 11 wk online course
with Ziva Moyal
11 week online course
Beginning Thursday, February 2nd
The $95.00 fee covers the series, and includes written materials. Limited scholarships are available.
- Registration is open now, through January 25, 2012
- Click below for a short introductory video:
- Introduction about Ramchal and his writings:
For Seekers in understanding how metaphysical concepts of Kabbalah affect and shape our lives, in plain English (delivered through a delightful Israeli accent), you’re invited to join the 2nd offering of “Kabbalah 101.”
Working with the brilliant teachings of Rabbi Moshe Chayim Luzzato (Ramchal), we’ll explore key Kabbalistic concepts such as Contracting the Self, Enumerations (how & through what G!d consistently reveals G!d’s Self/ the Sephirot), Good & Evil, and more. We’ll consider how these key concepts can and do play an active part in our daily lives, as we dwell in G!d’s Compassionate Tent.
It’s EZ too! Classes will take place online, through 1-hour video recordings sent directly to your inbox on Thursday at noon. After you’ve had a chance to listen, wonder and listen again, please submit questions by Monday so that answers to your question(s) may be included in Thursday’s video session.
For information about the teacher -- Ziva Moyal, the course, testimonials, and to register, please visit: www.zivofkabbalah.com.
(A bonus 12th session will take place via a 90-minute conference call where participants are invited to share how the course has improved their lives and where additional questions can be answered.)
(SPN Note: Ziva Moyal brings Kabbalah into understandable language that opens up the wisdom for today's age. She is a personal friend of mine and, while I've taken the course once before, I'll be taking it again. Come join me! Lisa Kaye)
Kol Zimra Chant Circle:
Chanting Into At-one-ment
with Lisa Kaye
Thursday, Jan. 26, 2012
7:00 to 8:30 pm
Either in the Sanctuary or the 2nd Fl. Library
1175 East 29th Avenue, Eugene, OR
FREE – donations to TBI Community Education Fund gratefully accepted. Drop-ins welcome.
www.tbieugene.org 541-485-7218 info(at)tbieugene.org
If you are looking for a new way to enter into a deep relationship with sacred Jewish texts and prayers, chanting may be just right for you!
Sinking into the tones and kavanah (intention) of a chant can open us to a new awareness of our connection to God that is powerful and transformative. Reb Zalman speaks of niggunim and chant as forming a Mikveh, a cleanse bath of sound to immerse oneself in.
Each of us, wherever we are on our spiritual journey, brings a unique and holy spark of energy to the chant circle. It is not about creating a choir of good voices. It is about creating a sacred place of intention for transformation.
Rabbi Shefa Gold describes chant as "building a mishkan; we’re building a sanctuary, a holy place, with our intention and with all the beauty we can bring to it. And then in the silence afterward we step into that mishkan that we have built and we receive God’s presence.” For more info visit www.RabbiShefaGold.com.
TENTATIVE 2012 UPCOMING DATES: Thurs., Feb. 23, Thurs., Mar. 22 but these may change.
Send me an email to lisakaye-chant(at)spiritpathnow.com if you would like to get updates about dates, times and locations for Lisa Kaye's Kol Zimra Chant Circles.
Lisa Kaye was raised in Reform Judaism where she was active organizing programs and bringing innovative services and seders to several synagogues and chavurot groups through the years. Four years ago she discovered Renewal Judaism and began the path of Rabbi Shefa Gold's Kol Zimra chant leadership training.
A Journey of Spirit:
Honoring the Memory of Debbie Friedman z’l
Saturday, January 28 ~ 6 pm
Temple Beth Israel
1175 E. 29th Avenue, Eugene
(29th & University)
FREE; donations accepted after Havdallah
Join us for:
· Havdallah
· Film Screening: A Journey of Spirit,
a documentary by Ann Coppel
· Song Circle featuring Beth Miriam Rose
& Jewish Songs of the Spirit and Rabbi Boris Dolin
Join Rabbi Boris, Beth Miriam Rose and Jewish Songs of the Spirit as we honor the memory of Debbie Friedman z’l on her one-year yahrzeit. Beloved Jewish singer/songwriter, legendary performer, composer, recording artist, teacher and passionate Jewish visionary, Friedman profoundly influenced and enriched contemporary Jewish music and liturgy. Havdallah will be followed by a showing of A Journey of Spirit, a documentary about Friedman’s life and work, and a song circle where all can join in sharing Debbie’s music.
Thursdays ongoing...
Jewish Movement Meditation with Evlyn Gould
Thursdays, January 5-March 29, 9:00 am
Temple Beth Israel
1175 E. 29th Avenue, Eugene
(29th & University)
This is an ongoing practice group.
Newcomers are invited to join at the start of each 4 week period.
Donations to TBI Community Education Fund gratefully accepted.
Jewish Movement Meditation awakens the body’s own capacity for self-transformation. With music, sound, and breath, we use techniques of Jewish meditation to invoke the internal genius of the body’s living waters—the mayyim chayyim—and their power of self-renewal. Join us as we dive into the sacred waters of life to restore health, build core strength, and listen in together to the wisdom of the body. We will work on the floor individually, but together, in comfortable clothing without zippers or buttons. No special experience, strength level, or movement training is necessary. But it is important to form the safe space of a working group or community. This is an ongoing practice group. Newcomers are invited to join at the start of each 4 week period.
Evlyn Gould holds a M.A. and a Ph.D. in French Literature and a CAS Distinguished Professorship at the University of Oregon as well as B.A. degrees in French and Dance. She has trained for 30 years in classical dance and has worked for five years in Continuum Movement.
Early Registration needed for this below special event......
(Register as soon as possible! This will sell out quickly!)
Havurah Shir Hadash Synagogue presents
A Weekend Shabbaton
with Reb Zalman & Eve Ilsen
The Omer: Making it Count!
April 20-22, 2012 in Ashland, Oregon
Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi is one of the most important spiritual leaders of our generation. Join us in this rare opportunity to learn, laugh, and pray with these two renowned and beloved teachers.
$230 if pre-paid & pre-registered by February 10
for members of ALEPH communities
$255 for pre-paid & pre-registered by February 10 for general public
$280 all registration after February 10.
Some work study trades available
Registration: Registration Forms & FAQ’s available at www.havurahshirhadash.org
For more information contact: ayala(at)ashlandhavurah.org
Weekend Events:
Friday night and Saturday morning services led by Reb Zalman, Eve, along with his students.
Afternoon Workshops; Saturday evening Havdallah and special event, plus Sunday morning closing circle.
Fee includes Friday evening dessert, Saturday luncheon, Seudah Shishit (light meal) and Sunday morning bagels.
Saturday evening event $18:
No additional charge for participants in the weekend Shabbaton.
This special program on Saturday evening will be open to the public.
(SPN NOTE: Lisa here... I went to the Shabbaton with Reb Zalman last year and it was wonderful! He is a true visionary. More info on Reb Zalman: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zalman_Schachter-Shalomi)
Wrestling with Desire: A Mindful Approach
with Barry Nobel
Saturday, March 3, 3:00 pm.
Temple Beth Israel
1175 E. 29th Avenue, Eugene
(29th & University)
Contributions to TBI’s Community Education Program encouraged
Registration appreciated by March 1
In our culture that masterfully promotes the selfish pursuit of pleasure, comfort, and security, God’s warning to Cain comes into sharp focus: “If thou doest not well, sin coucheth at the door; and unto thee is its desire.” But the Eternal One then adds, “Thou mayest rule over it” (Gen. 4:7). Join us for mindfulness practice and conversation on how greater mindfulness can help us wrestle successfully with the yetzer hara (the evil impulse). Beginners and experienced mindfulness practitioners are welcome.
Barry Nobel, J.D., Ph.D. is a practitioner and teacher of Mindfulness-based Conflict Engagement. He has taught religious ethics, among other courses, at Linfield College, the University of Puget Sound, and the University of California, Santa Barbara.
Adding the Sh’ma to Your Meditation Practice
with Shmuel Cohen
Wednesday, March 21, 7:00 pm
Temple Beth Israel
1175 E. 29th Avenue, Eugene
(29th & University)
$10; Registration/payment deadline: March 18
In this one evening workshop, we will uncover some of the deep and hidden kabbalistic and chassidic meanings of this simple phrase as we meditate on these words and learn how best to use the sh’ma as a meditation.
After becoming bar-mitzvah Shmuel Cohen walked away from Judaism, and after a career as a software engineer, he moved to San Francisco to become a musician and a poet. In the mid-1990s he moved to Eugene and studied with Rabbi Hanan Sills. For the last 10 years, he has been living in Jerusalem studying in yeshiva with various teachers. He recently returned to Eugene with the hope of sharing some of the joys and gems found in our ancient tradition.
Visit Shmuel's Facebook page for more info.
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