It was once asked, "Rebbe, how do you create such 'interesting' services"?
The Rebbi stroked his beard and pondered this 'deep' question.
"Teach and Learn, Pray and Turn!", the Rebbe exclaimed.
The Method
We have all spent too many hours listening to Rabbi Hanan go hanan and on an on about making becoming better people by making the world a better place. 
.... and making the world a better place by being better people that through some miracle we have been changed. None of us are ordained Rabbis.
All of us have listened to the logic of how Rabbi Hanan sees the structure of the service. We make a sincere effort to follow his template while always bringing only ourselves, what is real for us in the now.
Rabbi Hanan will do us the honor of attending the services as he is able. He is not able to actively teach these days, but he still loves to sing and we will do a handful of prayers and songs that he loves.
The Madness

Rob Tobias will be bringing is Spirit filled music and teaching. He is a gifted song writer and musician always capturing in a tune what normal mortals take hours to try to say.
Here is a sample.
What You Really Love - Rob Tobias
Jordan Michels is the President of Ad Olam and looks forward to working with the musicians and everyone else to co-create these holidays every year. 
He loves to teach, heal, and occasionally channel other great teachers such as Yoda and Rebbe Nachman.

Aruna Beth Rose's angelic voice and inspired song writing has been bringing music of Spirit to Eugene for years.
She loves to get back to her roots and bring new and Jewish Music to us on the Holy Days. She also love to share her wisdom.
Emily Fox has been bringing music to Eugene many years. She does original music as well as others music and prayers.
She also teaches guitar and is a regular musical talent at Temple Beth Israel.
Debby Sugarman has come out for the East Coast and will be lending us her beautiful voice again this year.
Katherine Levine will be joining Emily on Yom Kippur morning.
John Marshall will be helping with is theatrical talent. Thank you to Janice Medvin and Adrienne Collaizzi for help with the Kiddish.
Of course many others will be assisting in many ways and there names will be added here as I am able.
Yom Kippur Playshops
For highlights of the wonderous workshops / playshops with Tzila Cohen and Gary Reese see here.